close deals faster

We are Industry Leaders and Welcome to the Club. Conversations with CRE Collaborators. Howard Oliver Sun, 04/26/2020 - 12:31

We are Industry Leaders and Welcome to the Club. Conversations with CRE Collaborators.

We have had many joint conversations on our platform. Our CRE Collaborators see themselves as a mix of Techie, Dealmakers, and Industry Leaders. All are keen Collaborators, relationship builders, and real estate professionals. Investors, owners, builders, brokers, and others that know the wealth-generating opportunity of having knowledge, in today’s world that means building unique data stacks from multiple sources for the markets they serve and the properties they represent.

The Best Data and Technology Solution for Commercial Real Estate Howard Oliver Mon, 04/13/2020 - 17:32

The Best Data and Technology Solution for Commercial Real Estate



CRE Collaborative’s Platform is in a unique position to bolster your actionable insights in the areas you serve and beyond. We can help you build powerful technology and marketing that will support your work as a:

Take the first step! Howard Oliver Tue, 02/25/2020 - 14:06

Take the first step!

Commercial Real Estate–CRE Tech is evolving at an astonishing rate.  What CRE broker or brokerage has time to determine which group of these new technologies will make their work easier and focused on closing deals faster? CRE Collaborative is here to bring you that expertise.